Personalized healthcare management – the next generation of medicine
Personalized healthcare management – the next generation of medicine
We are used to consulting with experts in many fields for advice on investments, insurance, dealing with the tax authorities and so on. But when it comes to our health, most of us tend to refer to the public health system which, notwithstanding its indisputable qualities, is too busy and too large to give each person the full attention he/she needs.
Salus, a member of the Novolog Group, was founded to provide a solution for the growing need for personalized healthcare. Salus is the first medical center of its kind in Israel, comprised of specialists who provide personalized healthcare services based on the patient’s medical and genetic data, and focus on the patient’s personal needs and wishes.
All of the patient’s medical affairs are managed at Salus by an expert physician who functions as the patient’s personal family physician. This expert is familiar with the patient and his/her medical file and recommends the most suitable diagnostics and treatment for him/her. The service is suitable for everyone. We service our patients according to three categories – healthy people, sick people and elderly people – and personalize our tests and advice according to each category.
One of the most unique aspects of Salus Center is its team of 40 physicians, each specializing in a different field of medicine. These specialists serve as an advisory team to the patient's personal healthcare manager and so, if a person has medical problems involving different fields, such as a cardiological problem, coupled with neurological and urological problems, the patient’s personal healthcare manager meets with the relevant specialists and together they analyze all of the patient’s data and formulate an optimal course of treatment. Brainstorming among experts enables a holistic approach to the patient’s medical needs, which has a great affect on the treatment.
Solution for people contending with chronic or complex diseases
In these cases, the Salus personal healthcare manager coordinates all of the information for the patient from the various disciplines, the various specialists and the treatment methods. After thorough examination, the personal healthcare manager then presents the treatment alternatives to the family in clear and simple language, recommends the preferred courses of treatment and helps them reach medical decisions.
Healthcare for the elderly
Most 65-year-olds and older suffer from several chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and more, and take medicines daily. Considering this complex medical situation, this population needs regular monitoring. At Salus, elderly patients meet with their physician every few weeks to review their condition and the medicines that they are taking. Salus provides patients with ongoing medical support through physicians who are caring and attentive, including providing solutions for complaints about the side effects of medicines and the compatibility between them.

Healthcare for healthy people without pre-existing illnesses
For healthy people, personal healthcare management focuses mainly on preventive medicine, with the goal of early detection of diseases. We are strong proponents of genetic testing and believe that every person should undergo genetic testing according to their family history. For example, there are genetic tests that are suitable for people with a family history of cancer and we adapt customized genetic tests for people with complex family histories. For us, preventive medicine is a real lifesaver.
Once all results of the genetic tests are obtained, we prepare a follow-up schedule for the person involving a clinic visit at least twice a year. At Salus, every patient has a personal physician who accompanies him/her throughout the year. We are a comprehensive healthcare service that is available to every patient. In this way, we provide patients with peace of mind, since we provide them with personalized holistic healthcare management.
Many tests and therapies may also be provided at home
Salus’s services enable people to avoid hospitalization in many instances, as Salus provides comprehensive and dedicated care in patients’ homes, with services tailored for healthy people, sick people and the elderly. Salus Center has a team of senior internists who make house calls in order to diagnose and administer the necessary treatment and, in many cases, save the patients from having to go to an emergency room or be hospitalized. Our physicians can perform various tests, such as blood tests, administer fluids, provide medicines, conduct imaging tests and more, and enable further treatment and follow-up care with the help of a team of nurses and medical coordinators.

Your health is our responsibility!